Thursday, April 2, 2009

Give me that fish!

It's been a while since I've put up a post about culinary pursuits. We're still having fun trying out new things, becoming experts at mussels, whole chicken, and we even made a pretty tasty pork roast when we had friends over for dinner recently.

We have a fish truck at the end of the street, and you may remember a post from the summer when I mutilated a couple poor snapper. I've found the secret to whole fish is... either get the fish monger to fillet 'em for you, OR bake 'em whole!

Voila! Above, last night's sea bass baked with fennel, basil and red onions. MUCH less messy than previous pre-cooking filleting experiements. PLUS when I put the spices and other stuff inside I get to sing from my favourite Disney movie: '... then you slash off their skin, give their bellies a slice then I rub some salt in cause that makes it taste niiiiiiice! Zoot alors! I have meeeessed one!' It's the best part of the total experience. I'm pretty sure Jason agrees.

Bon appetit!

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