Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Greetings and Happy New Year!

Now that the 'Festive Season' is over (more on that later), it's time to move on to 'New & Improved Season', i.e. January.

For my part, my resolutions are (as far as I can figure):

1. Keep reading! I read at least 25 books last year (a big jump from the 3 per year or so I has been reading), far outdoing my resolution of 1 book per month. So far I'm in the middle of 2 books: Georgetown Ladies Social Club (for next Tuesday's book club) and the latest John Irving.

2. Bring work home less (figuratively). Start by bringing work home less (literally). I'm aiming to keep the work computer OFF when I'm home, unless absolutely necessary (i.e. no 'catching up' in front of the TV). I hope this will mean I do more with my evenings & weekends. Already, my evenings are improving: playing Guitar Hero, baking Banana Cream Pie (someone's got a birthday tomorrow), and blogging!

Which brings me to...

3. Blog more! I hereby pledge to myself that I will post at least once per week. Since it's the 7th, and the other 2 resolutions are going well so far, I would have hated to let that drop already :)

Of course there are loads more things I'd like to do this year, but I think this is enough to 'officially' declare.

So, expect more soon! (And let me know what you're resolving, I want to know!)

1 comment:

Julia said...

I'm not actually resolving anything, as I believe by doing so, I would not be able to keep any pledge past January 10th. Instead, I'm just trying to be healthier, with the hope that it will last far into the new year and beyond. So far, so good--I've managed to get to the gym about 4 days per week, and have been avoiding sweets as best as I can. The 4:30 alarm to get to the gym in the morning is a bit much, though. But I'm doing it still. Hopefully, by graduation in May, I'll be down to the same weight I was at when I started this MBA program! Vending machines are far too convenient when you're working full time and pursuing a master's degree!