Sunday, February 21, 2010

Tax Season (File under: British Humour)

Based on the subject, this could be the driest post ever. I'll try to keep it short & colourful.

As you may be aware, the English like to do things in their own quirky way. Exhibit A: left-side driving; Exhibit B: warm beer.

Following tradition, the tax year here ends on April 5, naturally, and submission date is January 31. I will spare you all the details of the incompetencies of Ernst & Young (especially those hired by S&P; Unilever's were okay), but suffice it to say that Jason pretty much ended up doing our taxes even though the world's #1 tax firm were on the case.

But this is not about Ernst & Young; it is about the lovely people at HM Revenue & Customs, from whom Jason received this notice, dated 17 Feb 2010:

Dear Mr Willey

Thank you for your Tax Return for the year ended 5 April 2009 which we received on 28 January 2010.

I will treat the form for all purposes as though you sent it in response to a notice from us which required you to deliver it to us by the date we received it.

Yours sincerely,
S Watson, Revenue Assistant

WHAT!?!?!?! 10 points to the first person who can translate the above.* Personally I'm a little concerned that they haven't yet let me know if they'll treat my form in the same way. Or maybe I'm relieved. I'll never be sure.

*I will have no idea if you're correct.

1 comment:

Julia said...

This is hilarious, and hits far too close to home! As I sit at work this week and ponder the morons I sit amongst, I will rest assured that government officials on both sides of the pond speak a language of their own. Oh, how eager I am to work in the "dreaded private sector" (in the words of Howie Carr). :)