Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sleepless in Saigon

There's more to share about Vietnam, but since the last post was long I thought I'd put up a short one.

Jumping around a bit, our last stop in Vietnam was Saigon / Ho Chi Minh City.  We were pretty tired on our first night there and decided to sleep in a bit, setting the alarm for 9:00 (we have typically been getting up around 7).  

So much for that plan, as around 6AM we were startled out of sleep by the following: 

This was one of those "if you don't laugh you'll cry" moments, so we had a really good laugh and took a few minutes of film (which I have managed to edit down - how's this for my first attempt at video editing?).  I had just made the decision to make myself presentable and check things out at street level when the whole thing stopped as abruptly as it started.  Unfortunately there was no hope for further sleep after that, but at least we have this video for posterity! Personally, I like the flourish around 0:27 - you can tell they really worked on that one - and the drum riff at 0:49.  Very jazzy.

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