Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sticker Shock!

While our blog and pictures may only have us through Vietnam, in reality our time in Asia has passed and we have found our way briefly to Sydney on the 10th of March on our way to a long week on the south island of New Zealand starting on the 13th. Our excitement at being back in a western city was doused with a little cold water when the reality of prices in Sydney hit us. Even with some small steps price the pricing ladder in Bangkok and Singapore we clearly weren’t prepared for what Sydney had to offer, which at least upon our quick visit is a beautiful city and setting but horrible value for money (and that’s from people who lived in London for 2 ½ years).  To point, we stayed at the Hilton in the central business district – the cheapest reliable option for lodging available by the time we  booked.

We’ve managed to quickly adjust our mindset and are enjoying our brief time exploring the city, taking in a few of the beach towns, taking lots of pictures of the Opera House and even enjoying our first opera (if you can’t do it here, or maybe in Vienna, where can you do it). We did it in back-packer style, with standing room tickets purchased on the morning of the performance – although they still weren’t cheap! We dressed in our finery (read: clean-ish clothing) and truly enjoyed Carmen, both the familiar tunes and the Hollywood-predictable plot – aided by English surtitles.

The magnificent Sydney Opera House

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